Conan Kennedy
Author of:
Numerous local history and specialist guidebooks, including Irish Language Ireland (Foras na Gaeilge); and Glasnevin Cemetery (Dublin Cemeteries Committee). Conan Kennedy’s Dalkey and Conan Kennedy’s DúnLaoghaire (with DLRCC) have been published 2018-2020.
The books Fragments from Frescati and Grandfather’s House were histories and genealogical records of two County Dublin mansions, Frescati in Blackrock and Monte Alverno in Dalkey.
Ancient Ireland, now a standard guide to that topic, has been in print for many years, most recently re-issued in 2018.
Editor of:
The five volume Diaries of Mary Hayden 1878-1903 (for National Library of Ireland 2008);
Dictionary of Irish Mythology, by Daragh Smith (Irish Academic Press).
Ghost for:
Several autobiographies.
Contributor to:
The Irish Times, for his Connections column, The Irish Catholic, with his Sunday in Ireland series, and Dictionary of Irish Biography, (Royal Irish Academy/Cambridge University Press).
Well known for:
The bestselling A Walk on The Southside, a memoir/love story/local history, first published in 2010, reissued in 2018.
Not yet known for:
Attic.Stuff.Write. (2020-21), which could be described as an autobiography.
Unknown for:
The novels Here Be Ghosts (O’Brien Press), Ogulla Well, The Colour of Her Eyes, The Snake Dancer of Sati Choura .
Personal !
Conan Kennedy is married to Hilary Cox. They work in the publishing business. Of their five children, four survive, and they are adults…sort of. And he is not (yet!) a member of Aosdána.