Morrigan Book Company - Submissions

“…book publishers are going the way of those guys
who prepared the vellum for the scribes…”

Morrigan is not quite in that situation yet, and we are still taking on a very limited number of conventional publishing projects. That noted, we are also currently exploring new ways to make our experience and expertise available to those interested in self-publishing their own work, in both E and print format.

Self-publishing involves expense (your expense!) but by availing of our consultancy service (which we charge for!) you will be almost certain to save yourself a packet in the end. Almost, but nothing is guaranteed in the present state of the publishing industry.

Your first step is send your proposal, ie your brief biog, synopsis of the proposed work, and three outline chapters to us for assessment. That material analysed, if we don’t think we can help, we won’t. If we do think our services can be of use to the project, we will lay out our proposal, telling you exactly what we can and will do for you, and how much those services will cost. We don’t know anything about poetry, sci-fi or fantasy. Nor children’s books, so don’t send anything along those lines. If you don’t hear from us within six weeks, we can’t help, so sorry about that.

Send your material by email only, place ‘submission’ in the subject line, a brief note in body of email and your biog, synopsis and sample text as separate attachments in Word format.